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Server time : -
Maintenance time : Tuesday, 18 to 20 17 to 19.
Stats by country (last updated : 2015-01-27 01:56)
Country # of field controled Total atk points (?) Occupancy
Rune Midgards 30486 406679975 54.275 %
Schwartzvald 17094 167703222 30.433 %
Arunafeltz 7859 85547481 13.992 %
Stats by country (last updated : 2014-10-05 13:31)
Country # of field controled Total atk points (?) Occupancy
Rune Midgards 34611 258629544 61.619 %
Schwartzvald 13633 103354129 24.271 %
Arunafeltz 7191 50497053 12.802 %